“… The cat sprawled on the grass, then rolled over, inviting them to rub her belly. Mark and Sylvia were too wise to fall for this.”

Could have been a short series.

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The different colored bees shows that even the differences between Catalonia and Earth have similarities. That's smart worldbuilding, IMO.

Also, I have some suspicions/theories about the magnetic field and possible side-effects for the inhabitants.

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Thanks for reading! Whenever I read a book about mankind settling a new planet or whatever, I want to know about the flora and fauna and the authors almost never tell me about it. The monsters, sure, but are there earthworms?? When the New World was colonized, there were naturalists who roamed around, cataloging and naming species. Mount Lemmon near Tucson was named for a lady naturalist. She and her husband studied the desert southwest. The husband was chronically ill, so he rode on a donkey and his wife did all the heavy lifting collecting specimens. I loved that story so much. Imagine the naturalists on an alien planet!

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